VP Candidate Profile Sarah Palin

Republican Vice Presidential Candidate
Named As McCain's VP Pick
August 29, 2008
Campaign Web Site
Current Position
Governor, Alaska
Birthdate: Feb. 11, 1964; Sandpoint,
Idaho (Age: 44)
Education: University of Idaho, B.S. in journalism (1987)
Military: None
Family: Married (Todd Palin); 5 Children (Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper and Trig)
Hometown: Wasilla, Alaska
Religion: Christian
Career Highlights
• Governor, elected in 2006
• Chairwoman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, 2003-04
• Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, 1996-2002
• City council of Wasilla, Alaska, 1992-1996
• Owned with her husband a snowmobile, watercraft, ATV business, 1994-97
• Co-owner, commercial fishing operation, 1988-2007
• Sports reporter for two Anchorage television stations, 1987-89
• Ran for Republican nomination for lieutenant governor, 2002

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