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Viewers Share Thoughts On Ed Bradley

Hundreds of viewers who watched Ed Bradley's award-winning reports over the years shared their thoughts about the late 60 Minutes correspondent on

Here's what some of them said:

I was stunned and deeply saddened to hear that Mr. Ed Bradley has died. He was a joy to watch and listen to... a gentleman of true excellence exuding integrity, intelligence, compassion and stability.

Ed Bradley was a gift to the American people. I will miss hearing and watching him. He always captured my attention with his magnetic and humble personality.

The minute I heard about Ed Bradley's passing, I burst into tears. He was always one of my favorite correspondents. He was a great reporter and a great man. I never even met him and I will miss him greatly.

My Sunday nights won't be the same without him. He was eloquent, soft-spoken, yet strong in his reporting style. I would have loved to sit down and converse with him. The world is suffering a huge loss.

Mr. Bradley made me proud to be an African American in a country where you had to prove yourself and Mr. Bradley did just that. Classy man. Thank you for making me smile as though you were my child whenever I saw you. Your work here is done but will not be forgotten. Rest my Brother with the Lord until we meet again.

My wife and I wept at the news of Ed Bradley's passing. She said 'he came into our home every Sunday with something important to say'. He did indeed. I don't write these types of 'fan letters' but Bradley was extraordinary.

After watching Mr. Bradley on 60 Minutes for all these years, this is like losing a close friend. After all, he sought the truth and questioned the excuses of corrupt men and women. He would have been a good friend to have.

The adjectives that come to mind when I think of Ed Bradley are, thoughtful, enthusiastic, sincere, professional, compassionate, fair and above all honest. Mr. Bradley was one of the greats of television journalism, he will be sorely missed.

Ed Bradley will be sorely missed in our household and by countless admirers. His ability to give us the heart and soul of the people or stories he reported upon was extraordinarily human.

Ed Bradley was the epitome of journalism at its finest. I have been enthralled and entertained by his professionalism, his smooth delivery of stories, his rapt interviews with everyone from the average person on the street to entertainers and world leaders. I have been a fan of Ed's since the Vietnam era. Ever the gentleman, he never failed to deliver the story honestly and fairly.

Like so many people I love watching 60 minutes week after week, year after year. Ed Bradley had so many interesting and memorable interviews. He was just a pleasure to watch.

There are few men who can make it to the top on ability alone Ed Bradley was the exception. Ed Bradley wasn't an icon of Black America he was an icon of all America. He will be missed and he'll never be forgotten.

We loved Ed Bradley here in New Orleans, he was here in town this past Jazz fest in May, and he got on stage with Irma Thomas and watched behind the stage as Lionel Richie performed his set … We will miss his COOLNESS.

Ed Bradley was a true gentleman. I will miss his reporting, the sound of his voice, and his sincerity.

I didn't know Ed Bradley. All I know is that when I heard today that he died, I felt a sense of personal loss, as if I had lost a friend. In this age of slick, ratings-hungry newscasters spewing pointless newsbabble, Ed was the real deal.

A definition of class: Ed Bradley. He was one of a few I would have loved to hang out with one day. Just sit back and enjoy listening to all his experiences. I can still hear that voice. Smooth, Silky and Cool. You'll be missed.

In an age of blatant bias, fluff pieces and infotainment, the loss of Mr. Bradley is keenly felt. He was the very model of a thorough and prepared interviewer. He brought out the story. He uncovered the truth. His example will shine for many years. He will be missed by many and be an inspiration for many more.

Ed Bradley was never the story, never bigger than the story. He was an artisan who wove seamlessly through the fabric of a story. He emanated a basic decency and humanity. He made our lives better.

I have always admired his intelligence. My son 15 years old wanted an earring for his ear, and I said, "No way," and he said, "Your favorite news reporter Ed Bradley has one." I then let him get an earring, because it is true it did not affect his intelligence, presence and integrity. You just can't judge a book by its cover.

I have been a regular viewer of 60 Minutes and Ed Bradley was one of the reasons why. … As a Viet Nam veteran I especially had a special place for Ed in my heart for his courage to be where the action was and put his life on the line for the benefit of his viewers.

I have watched 60 minutes and ed bradley for many, many years.....I feel as though I have lost a friend. I will miss his wit, his charm and his reporting. I only wish I could have met him in know, like that one person you wish you could have had dinner and a glass of wine with.

We can only hope that journalism of the caliber practiced by Ed Bradley continues to survive in the evolving media world. Here's to you. You were a tremendous force for good in this world, and you will be deeply missed.

America lost a very rare man in Ed Bradley. His consistent decency and respect for humanity was always a breath of fresh air.

I'm deeply saddened to learn of Ed Bradley's passing. As Mike Wallace is reported to have said, he was a reporter's reporter. I didn't think of him as a man who broke a barrier; he was a reporter. Period. The words spoken about Edward R. Murrow at his passing also apply to Ed Bradley - we shall not see his like again. And that's OK, because no one can take his place.

Ed Bradley was a man who not only was a brilliant journalist, but shared a passion for jazz. When the saints go marching in, Ed, you'll be up at the front of the line.

I enjoyed his style, his professionalism and sense of humor. And especially the gap in his teeth and his earring.

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