Ukraine prosecutor confirms Paul Manafort's name appears in secret cash ledger
UKRAINE -- Nazar Kholodnytski is Ukraine’s new anti-corruption prosecutor, leading the investigation into the secret, handwritten ledger showing $5 billion in undisclosed cash payments that were allegedly handed out by the party of former President Viktor Yanukovych.
Yanukovych was Paul Manafort’s client at the time. Manafort is the campaign chairman of the Trump campaign.
The prosecutor confirmed that Manafort’s name appears 12 times, for 22
different entries, totaling $12.7 million between 2007 and 2012.
“There is not any signature of Paul Manafort, but his name has been
mentioned several times,” Kholodnytski told CBS News.
Manafort has denied receiving any cash payments. Investigators say they’re now tracking down each recipient who signed for the cash.
The ledger itself is at the anti-corruption bureau. Although we weren’t allowed to film it because of the ongoing investigation, a source showed us a copy of one page.
On October 5, 2012, Paul Manafort’s name appears against a sum of $400,000 designated for “exit polling.” Another for $812,000 was marked for “international observers.”
Backed by Russia, Yanukovych was accused of corruption that funded a lavish
lifestyle, including a palatial mansion complete with a private zoo. He was
overthrown in 2014.
Manafort helped Yanukovych win several elections. A former co-worker, Andrii
Yermolaiev, defended Manafort.
“Paul didn’t run
expensive technology projects,” he said, “he worked mostly in foreign policy. So
I don’t understand what this is about.”
Paul Manafort continued to work for Yanukovych’s party, even after the former president fled. Investigators believe the ledger was left behind in the party headquarters.
The person who handed over the ledger is now in hiding.