This candidate's followers have the worst credit scores
In the ramp-up to the presidential election, it's increasingly clear that demographics are playing a major role in the campaign. But there's another aspect that hasn't been as closely examined: the credit scores of each candidates' followers.
Credit scores are relied on by lenders to determine who might make a good borrower or which applicants might be more of a risk. Some argue that credit scores can tell you a lot more about a person, such as whether they'd be a good employee or even if a date might make a good romantic partner.
What the credit scores of a candidates' supporters bodes for the election may not be as clear, but it's sure a lot more fun to think about it. So whose supporters are worst off when it comes to credit scores? Turns out that claim goes to Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, with financial site WalletHub finding that 26 percent of her supporters have bad credit, the most of any candidate.
Of course, much of the difference in credit scores may be tied to the demographics that each candidate or party appeals to. For instance, the Republican party tends to appeal to older and white Americans, which are both groups likely to be wealthier as well as to have longer credit histories. Democrats are more likely to appeal to younger voters and minorities, who may generate lower credit scores because of a short credit history and lower income levels.
Which candidate's followers have the highest credit scores? No surprise that it's a Republican: John Kasich, the Ohio governor who is viewed as a moderate Republican who supports tax and education reforms. About 60 percent of his supporters have excellent credit scores, the most of any presidential hopeful. WalletHub based its findings on online responses from 765 people, who were asked about their credit scores and which candidates they support.
In second place are Republican Marco Rubio's supporters, with 58 percent enjoying excellent credit scores. About 55 percent of Ted Cruz's supporters have excellent credit.
Still, even though Clinton has the largest share of supporters with bad credit, she actually beats one Republican rival when it comes to the share of followers with excellent credit. About 51 percent of her followers have excellent credit scores, while only 50 percent of the supporters of GOP candidate Donald Trump can claim excellent credit.
In fact, Trump's supporters have the lowest share of excellent credit scores of any of the six candidates measured by WalletHub. Even Bernie Sanders, who is a popular candidate among millennials, pulls out ahead of Trump on that basis, with more than 51 percent of Sanders' followers enjoying excellent credit.
Other research has backed up that Trump supporters may not have the financial wherewithal as other candidates' followers. Trump's supporters are almost twice as likely to have filed for bankruptcy protection as the followers of his GOP rivals, for instance, credit-score company Credit Sesame has found. He also has the lowest share of supporters earning more than $100,000 among both Republicans and Democrats.