The World's Thinnest Laptop
Good things can come in small packages and that's certainly true in the world of technology. CNET-TV Senior Editor Natali Del Conte showed off two new consumer products that are getting big buzz.
CNET got a sneak peak at the world's thinnest laptop, Dell's Adamo, as well as the new Apple iPod Shuffle.
"This is the new Dell Adamo, they're calling it the thinnest in the world, It's on par with the MacBook Air, it's .65 millimeters thick. It's a luxury product," Del Conte told The Early Show Saturday Edition co-anchor Chris Wragge.
"I was going to say, a little expensive, especially this time. Is this the best time to launch something like this? $2,000?" Wragge asked.
"I asked them that question. They said this was in the works for about two years. And the fact that the MacBook Air sells so much, shows that there is a market for this. It's as thin as newspaper. It's really tiny. It runs Windows, but when you open it up, it's kind of a luxury type of windows. It just feels like you're in a more luxurious digital universe," Del Conte explained.
The Dell Adamo is also very lightweight.
She also showed off the features of Apple's new iPod Shuffle, which can hold 1,000 songs and is priced at $79.
According to Del Conte, it's smaller than a house key or a stick of gum.
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