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Survivor: Routing Out The Vermin

She called him a caveman and booted him out.

It was all in a day's work for veritable Superwoman Stephenie LaGrossa. Down to a twosome on the Ulong island of "Survivor: Palau," Steph and her lone teammate, Bobby Jon Drinkard, grew sour before being pitted against each other in a one-on-one immunity challenge.

It was neither entirely mental nor physical. But Steph kicked butt. And the caveman may have been sore, but he wasn't bitter.

"I'm definitely proud of Stephenie, because she's probably the top player in the game," he said. "I'd like to tell her to just keep doing what she's doing, because the girl's practically invincible."

She proved it in the last tribal council, where she was almost sure to get voted off by the two tribesmen from Alabama. But Bobby Jon broke a tight bond with Ibrehem Rahman to side with Steph.

"You gotta learn that when I say something, it's over and it's done," Bobby Jon said, because he promised Steph an alliance days ago. "I keep my word."

While the world seemed quiet on Ulong, over on Koror, the camera showed some downright disgusting things … it zoomed in on flies swarming on a dead shark's head before panning to a close-up of scurrying rats at the tribesmembers' feet.

"The rats have become bolder and bolder because no one will listen to me," Coby Archa said, making a leapfrog of a connection. Huh. He did elaborate on the rancid condition of the tribe's camp. "I have told Tom [Weston] every day to move that damn shark head," which the fireman had speared and then left hang to become fly food.

Apparently, actually ingesting disgusting stuff isn't much more challenging than staring blankly at it.

For the teams' reward challenge, two members faced off fear-factor style, told to eat un-shelled partially formed duck fetus. Those who consider this a delicacy call it "Baloot."

Ironically enough, cleanliness was the prize at stake: 55 gallons of fresh water as well as Crest, Pantene, and other aptly placed products that should rid the Survivors of their 20-day stench.

Ian Rosenberger and Tom stepped up against Steph and Bobby Jon to eat the "delicacies."

"Watch the beak," Tom told Ian.

"Ooh … that was a juicy one," Ian laughed back.

But both Ian and Bobby Jon had looks of disgust on their faces going into the fourth round, in which they each had to eat four baby ducks. But both came out with clean mouths.

Because both teams ate all required duck fetuses, the teams were forced to enter a tiebreaker round. Tom faced off against Bobby John for a speed race to stuff five of the "delicacies" into their stomachs. Both got five into their mouths. But Bobby Jon had to put fists up to his mouth while retching and struggling to swallow the little things.

Tom swallowed first, and was promptly handed one element of his team's prize: mouthwash.

But back at camp, Tom shook out his team's hopes of showering by asserting that the first fresh water they'd seen in 19 days should not be used for showering, but instead for drinking. Disappointment paved the ladies' faces.

"I was looking forward to feeling human for one day," Jenn Lyon said.

Back on Ulong, it was too close for comfort for Stephenie.

Bobby Jon was seeing fire after another loss to Koror. He said he's always paired up against Tom, and every time, Tom wins. Steph vented her frustration by complaining about Tom, but Bobby Jon took his frustration out on sticks, trees, coconuts and anything else he could get his hands or an axe on.

His stench was simultaneously bothering Steph. And his eating habits. And his spitting.

"I mean, I'm not going to lie, I'm disgusting. But I at least scrub with the sand," Steph said. She even detailed how Bobby Jon chooses to blow his nose.

"Men have to do whatever manly things they need to do…but he's starting to scare me," Steph said. "Bobby Jon is totally turning into a caveman."

For their last challenge together, Steph couldn't get the caveman to sharpen up, and, alas, Ulong lost.

A two-person vote is no fun, so host Jeff Probst announced the tribal council for Ulong would be a simple, two-person challenge: Winner stays, loser goes home. As usual, ALL the winners from Koror stayed.

"We're silly and goofy and kinda quirky looking," Katie Gallagher said, amazed at yet another immunity challenge win for her still-massive team.

"I never got to be part of a team," Coby said. "Much less a winning team." He cried over the strength of his team.

On the other island, Steph felt lonely. After days alone with Bobby Jon, Steph was pondering the possibility of having to sleep alone on the island.

"Stephenie thinks nonstop. I think she even thinks when she sleeps," Bobby Jon said. "Right now she's thinking about how she's gonna kick my ass."

"I'm tired of doing the team thing," he said. "Right now it's Team Bobby Jon."

But Team Bobby Jon didn't fare so well in tribal council. Each Steph and Bobby Jon each were presented with a box of matches, some kindling, and coconut husk. The first one to make a fire high enough to light their torch would win.

Nimble and adept at building the fire she had always let Bobby Jon handle back at camp, Steph's win came quick.

But the look of surprise on Stephenie's face when she heard she'd be going back to camp alone came even quicker. Is Superwoman afraid of the dark?

Find out on Friday's The Early Show, when Bobby Jon appears to talk about his Palau experiences.

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