"Survivor: Nicaragua" Offers Viewers a Sneak Peek of Tonight's Premiere [VIDEO]
NEW YORK (CBS) Twenty Americans are shown taking their first, unexpected steps through the rugged terrain of Nicaragua in a sneak-peek clip of the newest season of "Survivor: Nicaragua," which airs tonight.
PICTURES: "Survivor: Nicaragua"
PICTURES: "Survivor" Through The Seasons
"There's monkeys hanging from things, there's dangerous animals here. It's real. There's no fences like the zoo," says one contestant in the clip.
Former Dallas Cowboys coach Jimmy Johnson won two Super Bowls, and now at 67-years-old, wants to face another challenge and win "Survivor." But this isn't "Celebrity Apprentice" or "Dancing With The Stars." Could his celebrity actually hamper him since others know his true back story?
The clip is already showing some feuds and rivalries brewing, even love and flirtation.
A $1 million dollar prize is at stake on the 21st installment of the Emmy award-winning reality series.
The season premiere of "Survivor: Nicaragua" airs tonight, Wednesday, Sept. 15, on CBS.
Watch a two-minute sneak peek of "Survivor: Nicaragua":