How do animals cross the road? Wildlife survey discovers it's complicated
ORO VALLEY, Ariz.— It turns out that some types of wildlife like to go over a state highway, others tend to go under it and still others can go either way.
Those are initial results of a survey of camera-monitored usage of a new $9.5 million wildlife crossing of State Route 77 near Oro Valley in northeastern Pima County.
Deer overwhelmingly preferred the crossing’s overpass while bobcats and javelin — pig-like mammals found in the southwest — preferred the underpass, with only a few going for the overpass.
Roughly two-thirds of the coyotes went for the underpass while the remaining third opted for the overpass.
The crossing project is a partnership of the Arizona Department of Transportation and the Regional Transportation Authority.
It’s an attempt to reduce roadkill and to promote wildlife connectivity between the Santa Catalina and Tortolita mountains.