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Skinny asthma inhaler fits in a wallet

If you're one of those people with asthma who's tired of rummaging for the inhaler rolling around in the bottom of your purse, backpack or gym bag, you'll be excited to know one company is working on a solution -- a new, ultra-thin inhaler that slips into a wallet or pocket.

Still in the experimental stage, Bloom is a little over 2 x 3 inches in size, about the dimensions of a credit card.

Bloom's website says it will be compatible with all HFA inhalers and is designed to be used with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease medications.

Users pre-load it using their own asthma inhaler, pumping in medication. It holds about six doses.

There is no mouthpiece; the device is designed to be used with an "open mouth technique," similar to using a breath spray, according to the company. You flip a little tab upward and inhale a spray of medication coming through the opening.

The device isn't FDA approved yet, but Bloom's James Cazzoli told CBS News they hope to submit it to the FDA in June. It can take up to six months before final approval. Cazzoli says if all goes well, Bloom could be available to the public by mid-November 2016.

"We have working prototypes and are getting to a point where we can begin testing with laboratories that evaluate medical devices like our own. These tests will ensure we meet relevant functional and compliance standards," said Cazzoli.

The Bloom inhaler. Bloom

Since inhalers have been around for a long time, "We already know what works. We're making sure Bloom performs equally well to those bulky, yet reliable inhalers," he said.

Cazzoli said the inspiration for the product came from childhood.

"My best friend growing up had severe asthma. It was horrifying watching him gasp for breath on the way to the ER. My younger brother had asthma as well. I know how dependent asthmatics can feel to their medication. I'm passionate about healthcare and want to create something that truly improves the lives of people with asthma," Cazzoli said.

Bloom is expected to be priced at about $40.

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