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Rep. Space Changes Position On Jefferson's Resignation

Per the Columbus Dispatch:
Rep. Zack Space (D-Ohio) has not joined several of his freshman colleagues calling on indicted Rep. William Jefferson (D-La.) to step down, even though he called for Jefferson’s resignation as a House candidate.

As a candidate in May 2006, Space said: “Bill Jefferson and Bob Ney are the poster children for Washington's culture of corruption that is costing American families. I urge both to resign their seats in Congress so we can begin a new day and a new way of doing things.”

But yesterday, Space told the Dispatch that ”I do not believe that we have legal standing to force Mr. Jefferson to resign at this moment.”

Space’s campaign theme in 2006 focused on ethics, running for the seat held by GOP Rep. Bob Ney, who is currently serving a 30-month sentence in jail over federal corruption charges. 

Several freshman Democrats have already called for Jefferson’s resignation, including Reps. Steve Kagen (D-Wis.), Nick Lampson (D-Tex.), Nancy Boyda (D-Kan.) and Chris Carney (D-Pa.)


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