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Reddit user claims Samsung Galaxy S III caught fire

Samsung mobile phones are a hot item, and now one person claims that one of the smartphones it is literally on fire.

A user on the link-sharing community Reddit claims that a Samsung Galaxy S III caught on fire and burned his finger over the weekend. The person, going under the alias vizionx1208, alleges that while charging the Galaxy S III overnight, the phone made a "loud noise and weird squeaking sound."

"Half asleep, I jumped out of bed and turned the light on, only to see that my phone was just beginning to go on fire," vizionx1208 wrote on Reddit.

"I had a foam mattress pillow top that had a hole burned through it too -- which we later threw out because it was still burning throughout. Also, some of the plastic on my phone was melting and kind of shooting out of it, and some landed on my pinky finger and burned some skin off (very small burn though)."

Photos of the alleged burned phone, exploded battery and injured finger were also posted on the website Imgur.

The Reddit users claims the device was not modified in any way, and asked readers if they though there was a legal case to be made against Samsung.

A spokesperson for Samsung said that the company is aware of the allegations and released this statement to

Samsung is aware of this issue and will begin investigating as soon as we receive the specific product in question.

Once the investigation is complete, we will be able to provide further details on the situation. We are committed to providing our customers with the safest products possible and are looking at this seriously.

A similar claim was made in February, when a South Korean man said that he had suffered burnsafter a Samsung Galaxy Note caught fire in his trouser pocket.

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