Prince William and Kate's Long Buried Family Ties
Kate Middleton and Prince William's family trees contain some surprising details -- and connections. Kate's great-great-great-great grandfather, John Harrison, it seems, labored in the grime of a coal mine owned by the family of William's great-great-great-great grandmother, Francis Bowes-Lyon.
CBS News Correspondent Mark Phillips has the latest on the wedding plans then maps out the details of their shared family histories. Watch his "CBS Evening News" report below:
More on the royal engagement:
Prince William and Kate Middleton are Engaged
Who Is the New Princess-to-Be?
Two Royal Weddings in One Season
Which Royal Title for Kate?
Timing of Wedding Is Crucial
Kate Middleton Has Princess Diana's Ring
A Look Back at Charles and Diana's Wedding
Engaged William and Kate Make Public Debut
Prince Harry Was First to Congratulate His Brother
Royal Engagement Announced on Twitter
Kate Middleton: Princess Diana is Inspirational
Engagement Sets off Media Frenzy