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Obama picks John Bryson for Commerce Secretary

Updated 2:30 p.m. ET

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama has tapped energy executive John Bryson to lead the Commerce Department, putting a businessman at the helm of an agency tasked with boosting U.S. exports and promoting American business around the world.

During a White House ceremony Tuesday announcing the appointment, Obama lauded Bryson as, "a business leader who understands what it takes to innovate, create jobs and to persevere through tough times."

"As commerce secretary, his job is going to be important part of my economic team promoting American business and American products around the globe," he said.

Bryson, 67, is a former chairman and chief executive officer of Edison International, a California-based energy company. He also has an extensive background in environmental issues, having co-founded the Natural Resources Defense Council and served on a United Nation's advisory group on energy and climate change.

Tuesday's announcement shifts Obama's focus back to the economy after several weeks dominated by foreign policy, from the death of Osama bin Laden to the president's four-country, six-day European trip. Though the economy has rebounded from the depths of the recession, unemployment remains at 9 percent and the White House expects the economy to be the top issue as Obama runs for re-election.

In addition to representing U.S. business interests abroad, one of Bryson's tasks at the Commerce Department would be leading Obama's plans to double U.S. exports in the next four years. Part of that initiative will depend on creating alternative energy sources in the U.S, an effort Obama said Bryson would take a lead role in, given his background in the energy and environmental sectors.

If confirmed by the Senate, Bryson would replace outgoing Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, whom Obama recently named as his next ambassador to China. But Republicans have threated to block any commerce secretary nominee until the administration submits proposed free trade agreements with Colombia and Panama to Congress for final approval. The first steps in that process are under way, but it is unclear when lawmakers might receive final versions of the trade pacts.

Bryson is the latest businessman to be brought into the administration's fold as the White House grapples with ways to shake its reputation as antibusiness. Private sector leaders have griped about what they see as burdensome new financial and health care regulations, unfriendly tax policies and vast government spending. They were also put off by Obama's harsh depiction of "fat cat bankers" and "reckless practices," a label he applied both to Wall Street and to oil giant BP following the Gulf oil spill.

Following the sweeping Republican victories in the 2010 midterm elections, Obama admitted that he hadn't done enough to assure the business community that he was on its side. That admission was quickly followed by news that Obama would name Bill Daley, a JPMorgan Chase executive, as his chief of staff, giving the business community an ally at the highest levels of the White House.

The president has also named Jeffrey Immelt, the CEO of General Electric, to head an outside panel of economic advisers, known as the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. Several other private sector leaders, including those representing small businesses, were also named to the council.

Bryson served as Edison's CEO for 18 years, retiring in 2008. He's since served on a number of corporate boards, including The Boeing Company, The Walt Disney Company, and Coda Automotive, Inc. He is also co-chairman of the Pacific Council on International Policy, a non-partisan group that focuses on policy issues that are of specific importance to the West Coast.

Bryson quickly won praise from Tom Donohue, president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, who said in a statement that he hoped Bryson's years of experience running a major company would lead him to be a strong voice for American businesses.

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