No Bail For Robert Blake
A Los Angeles judge denied bail Wednesday to actor Robert Blake, who's been in jail since April while awaiting trial for the murder of his wife.
In denying bail to the 69-year-old actor, the judge said, "There is proof of his guilt and the presumption is great, for bail purposes only."
Superior Court Judge Lloyd Nash said he would reconsider bail after a preliminary hearing Dec. 11 in which witnesses will testify.
Blake is accused of killing Bonny Bakley, 44, on May 4, 2001, outside a San Fernando Valley restaurant. He also faces charges of conspiracy, solicitation to murder and the special circumstance of lying in wait.
His attorneys deny Blake had any connection with the shooting and accused prosecutors of angling for a tactical advantage by attempting to keep him behind bars.
The former "Baretta" star entered the courtroom Wednesday smiling at his family, but he furrowed his brow as the judge's decision was announced and later left with a sad expression on his face.
His attorney, Harland Braun, argued that there was no reason to keep Blake behind bars while he is awaiting his next hearing. He said Blake is not a flight risk and is not a danger to society.
"Robert Blake is not going to go anywhere. He hardly could go anywhere without being followed by helicopters from the press," Braun said.
Prosecutors pointed out expected testimony from two stuntmen who say Blake solicited them to kill Bakley and offered each $10,000. The lead detective on the case, Ronald Y. Ito, said investigators found $10,000 in $100 bills in two envelopes in Blake's house.
Braun said the role of the stuntmen was irrelevant since they didn't kill Bakley.
Blake has offered to post $1 million bail, the same amount he already posted to bail out his bodyguard and co-defendant, Earle Caldwell, who is charged with conspiracy to murder.