More On The Britney-Madonna Kiss!
So, how did Britney Spears' parents react when the 21-year-old pop star locked lips with Madonna on the MTV Video Music Awards?
"Well, my mom liked it actually. I was really kind of nervous! I was like, `Oh my God, my mom ... she's going to see this!"' Spears said in an interview on "Access Hollywood."
"But no, she liked it! And my dad, weirdly enough, he thought it was fine, too. I mean, come on ... it's Madonna. If you can kiss any girl in the world, that has to be her."
Spears said she had butterflies before the smooch on the Aug. 28 awards show in New York City.
"Oh I was very nervous and very shy," she said. "Like honestly, just being with Madonna, she has this presence about her. ... I mean I'm a shy person in general, but I got very intimidated and I was like, not myself. I was not the confident Britney, you know?
"And she just has this way about her, but at the same time it was very inspiring because it humbled me and it gave me something to look up to, you know?"
Spears said the kiss was Madonna's idea.
"It was not my idea," Spears said. "No, but she threw it around a couple times in rehearsals ... she just kinda said, `You know, do what you feel in the performance ... just go with it and see how what happens' and that's kind of what happened."
Who's the better kisser? Madonna or actor Colin Farrell?
"Oh my gosh!" Spears exclaimed. "They're both amazing kissers!"