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Michael Bublé responds to online mockery over corn-on-the-cob photo

Not all online attention is good attention, as Michael Bublé has learned the hard way.

Last week, a photo of Bublé eating a piece of corn on the cob at Disneyland in Anaheim, California, went viral after fans and Twitter users couldn't help pointing out the singer's unorthodox method of biting into the snack. The joking about the image got so bad, in fact, that Bublé had to finally address the matter, taking to Facebook to respond to his tormenters.

This is vegetable harassment," Bublé wrote. "What I do with my Cobb is nobody's business." Of course, he couldn't help working in some jokes of his own, adding the hashtags #mesocorny, #paparazzi and #shuckme. At least he has a sense of humor about it, right?

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