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Malaysian coronation steeped in tradition

Malaysian King Sultan Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah, left, kisses the Koran beside Queen Haminah Hamidun during his coronation at National Palace in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 11, 2012. AP

(CBS News) In a lavish ceremony, filled with centuries-old artifacts and traditions, 84-year-old Sultan Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah became the king of Malaysia for the second time on Wednesday.

Under the country's elected monarchy, the throne rotates for five-year terms among the rulers of the nine Malaysian states. Abdul Halim previously was king in the 1970s and is the first person to serve two terms.

According to press reports, the Oxford-educated king, with the queen at his side, was dressed in black and yellow gold-threaded garb for the coronation in the Throne Hall of the brand new national palace in Kuala Lampur.

The ceremony included veneration of the Koran and kissing the royal long dagger.

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