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Levi Johnston Files Papers to Run for Office in Wasilla

AP Photos/Chris Pizzello

Levi Johnston, the father of Sarah Palin's grandson, has filed paperwork confirming he intends to run for office in Wasilla, Alaska -- Palin's hometown, which she made famous during her 2008 vice presidential run.

Johnston on Friday filed a Letter of Intent with the Alaska Public Offices Commission, CNN reports, indicating he intends to run for office in the "City of Wasilla 2011" election. Filing a letter of intent permits candidates to accept campaign contributions.

Johnston is reportedly filming a reality television show called "Loving Levi: The Road to the Mayor's Office," which will follow Johnston as he runs for the seat once held by Palin. The company Stone & Company Entertainment has started shooting a pilot episode and is pitching the show to networks, according to Variety.

Johnston told Variety he wasn't excited about the idea at first, "but the more I think about it and look into it, I think there's a possibility we can make it happen."

Wasilla's mayoral seat isn't up for grabs until 2012, but in the meantime, Johnston may run for city council, Variety reports, or get his high school diploma.

The current mayor of Wasilla, Verne Rupright, reportedly won a 2008 runoff election with 466 votes.

"Since I am nearly old enough to be Levi's grandfather I think it would be wise for him to get a high school diploma and keep his clothes on. The voters like that!" Rupright said in a statement, CNN reports.

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