Iranian Leader: Israel A "Cancerous Tumor"

Speaking at a conference in support of Palestinians, attended by most of the various factions from the territories in Israel and representatives from other Middle East states, Khamenei said "all those who have a legitimate stake in the territory of Palestine, including Muslims, Christians and Jews should choose their own system of government in a general referendum."
Opening the international conference in Tehran, Khamenei also said that by supporting Israel President Obama was taking the same path as his predecessor, George W. Bush.
"Even the new president of America, who came to office with the slogan of bringing change from the policies of the Bush administration, avows an unconditional commitment to Israel's security, which means defending state terrorism, defending injustice and oppression and defending a 22-day long massacre of hundreds of Palestinian men, women and children," said Khamenei.
He added that all those "who advocate a pragmatic approach to Israel, those who succumbed to surrender and compromise with the usurpers," should realize their mistake.