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Idaho Kids' Ordeal Described

As Joseph Duncan made his first court appearance on charges of kidnapping Dylan and Shasta Groene, court documents provided shocking details of the children's captivity, and make even more poignant the security camera video of Shasta and Duncan taken just hours before her rescue.

In a handwritten transcript an investigator gives details of interviews with Shasta.

The court document shows that Shasta told investigators she and her 9-year-old brother were taken to a remote campsite and repeatedly molested, reports CBS News Correspondent John Blackstone.

Although it is CBS News policy to not name victims of sexual assault, the Idaho children's names were widely disseminated before the new allegations.

Police said that before her ordeal ended six weeks later, Shasta would be repeatedly molested by a convicted sex offender and become the only apparent survivor of the five people in the home.

"This little girl really went through more than any little girl should ever have to think about," Kootenai County Sheriff's Capt. Ben Wolfinger said Tuesday.

Shasta was recognized by a waitress who called police around 2 a.m. Saturday.

Joseph Edward Duncan III, 42, of Fargo, N.D., a convicted sex offender on the run from an earlier child molestation count, was charged Tuesday in 1st District Court with two counts of first-degree kidnapping.

"Nobody in the family has ever seen this man before. Ever," said Shasta's grandmother, Darlene Torres, Wednesday on CBS News' The Early Show.

Shasta Groene's statements place Duncan inside the rural home near here where the girl's mother, older brother and mother's boyfriend were bound and bludgeoned to death. Their bodies were found on May 16.
The videotape of Shasta shows a child surviving an ordeal, says child trauma expert Lenore Terr.

"She was holding herself, she was not a regular child — she has been terribly hurt mentally," Terr told CBS News.

"She seems to be doing really good right now," her aunt, Misty Cooper, told Early Show co-anchor Harry Smith. "She looks real good, and she seems to be doing OK for the most part. At this time."

Investigators believe the campsite where Shasta and Dylan were held is in rugged country near St. Regis Montana. Human remains found at the campsite have not been positively identified but are believed to be Dylan.

The case was a mystery for almost seven weeks until Duncan for some reason returned to Coeur d'Alene and Shasta was recognized

"It's certainly perplexing to many of us why he was here in Coeur d'Alene with Shasta," Wolfinger told Blackstone.

"It is almost like he wanted to get caught," said Cooper.

The intent of the crimes, court documents said, was to rape, seriously injure or commit a lewd and lascivious act on a child under 16 years old. Duncan has not been charged with anything other than the kidnapping counts, which can carry the death penalty or life in prison.

"Shasta and Dylan were repeatedly molested," Kootenai County Sheriff's Sgt. Brad Maskell wrote in a terse, handwritten affidavit released Tuesday. "Shasta saw Mr. Duncan molest Dylan."
Shasta was awakened at her home and watched as her mother Brenda Groene, 13-year-old brother Slade and Mark McKenzie, her mother's boyfriend, were tied up, the document said. She and Dylan were also bound and placed in the pickup truck. The children were later transferred to a stolen red Jeep and taken to the first of three campsites, she said.

The affidavit does not mention the beating deaths of the girl's family or whether she witnessed the killings. It also did not say if she witnessed what happened to Dylan.

Shasta told officers that Duncan did not have an accomplice. Despite her statement, investigators were still trying to determine if Duncan acted alone, Wolfinger said.

Duncan was shackled and appeared unshaven and choked up as he quietly answered Magistrate Judge Scott Wayman during a brief appearance Tuesday via video link.

Duncan had spent more than a decade in prison for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old boy at gunpoint in Tacoma, Wash., and was a fugitive at the time of his arrest after he was charged with molesting a 6-year-old boy in Minnesota.

He was released on $15,000 bail earlier this year after being charged with molesting the boy.

"As far as we're concerned, the man should have never been out on the streets," said Torres.

Police in Fargo, N.D., had been looking for Duncan since May, when he failed to check in with a probation agent.

"Really, is it possible not to be frustrated at the way events have unfolded in this case?" Fargo Police Chief Chris Magnus asked Tuesday at a news conference.

Duncan was described as relaxed and clean-cut when he stopped at a store in the western Montana logging community of St. Regis more than a month ago for gas and a 12-pack of Bud Light.

He chatted with attendant Jackie Allen for nearly 15 minutes, peppering her with questions about area parks and campgrounds and asking for directions to nearby communities.

Allen said she was "shocked and stunned" to learn that the man she said visited her store was Duncan. "I know people can fool you, but he was a really clean-cut and relaxed guy," Allen said. "It's just kind of shocked me. I still don't know what to think."

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