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Hundreds Flood U.S. Embassy In Zimbabwe

About 200 Zimbabwe opposition supporters sought refuge Thursday at the U.S. Embassy in Harare amid new reports of violence against dissenters.

Loyalists of President Robert Mugabe, whose unopposed re-election last week was scorned by world leaders, have attacked supporters of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change.

Widespread state-sponsored violence had led the party's leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, to pull out of the presidential runoff, leaving the June 27 race to Mugabe.

On Thursday, people with small bundles of possessions milled outside the U.S. mission in the Zimbabwe capital. Riot police appeared there, but police spokesman Wayne Bvudzijena said they were at the scene only briefly.

U.S. Ambassador James McGee said the group was from the opposition headquarters in Harare, which had become a refuge. He said by telephone that embassy officials were working with humanitarian organizations to find accommodation for the group.

In Washington, U.S. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said embassy staff did not see the group as a security risk and that they were outside the building's security perimeter.

More than 300 opposition supporters who last week sought refuge at the South African Embassy in Harare have been taken to a camp outside the capital.

Reports of violence and intimidation against opposition supporters have increased.

"There has been a high increase in abductions, beatings and rapes since ZANU-PF claimed it had won the 'election' with a resounding victory," the opposition said in a statement.

At least 80 opposition supporters were killed before the runoff, and the opposition says more than 10 have been killed since.

A group of armed men in army uniforms abducted opposition lawmaker-elect Naison Nemadziva at gunpoint on Monday and his whereabouts was still unknown, an opposition statement said.

Nemadziva defeated a member of Mugabe's ZANU-PF party in the first round of voting on March 29. He was seized outside the courtroom where a hearing had been scheduled in his opponent's challenge of the election.

Also Thursday, two woman activists were freed after nearly six weeks in prison.

Spokeswoman Annie Sibanda of Women and Men of Zimbabwe Arise said the activists Jenni Williams and Magodonga Mahlangu were granted bail Thursday.

The two were arrested in Harare on May 28 after holding a peaceful protest and have been charged with disturbing the peace and publishing statements prejudicial to the state.

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice honored Williams last year with an International Women of Courage Award.

"I am very happy to be out," Williams said. "I woke early this morning wondering if by evening I would be in my own bed or back in a prison cell."

Elsewhere in Zimbabwe, a group of thugs invaded the Imire Safari Ranch, a designated black rhino breeding area 90 miles northeast of Harare, the ranch owner said. The ranch has had previous problems with poachers.

John Travers said six men invaded the ranch Sunday, threatened to harm him unless he left, and forced him to shoot three impala for the men to eat.

Traver said another group of men arrived Wednesday night and threatened to kill him and his wife if the two did not leave by Thursday morning. Both were still at the ranch, also home to elephant, hyenas and buffalo, on Thursday. The Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority could not immediately be reached, but Travers said he had contacted them and was "very confident" that they would respond.

On Wednesday, the United States and the European Union said opposition leader Tsvangirai should be Zimbabwe's next leader, but Mugabe has shown little sign of yielding any power.

Tsvangirai beat Mugabe and three others in the first round of presidential voting in March. Electoral officials said Tsvangirai did not take the simple majority needed to avoid a runoff against second-place finisher Mugabe.

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