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Geraldo Rivera on Trump's lewd remarks: "I have tapes"

Republicans bail on Trump
Republicans bail on Trump over lewd comments on women 02:31

As Donald Trump continues to fight for his candidacy following the parade of politicians who have disavowed him after the 2005 tape of his crude remarks surfaced Friday, Fox News personality Geraldo Rivera said he uncovered more “embarrassing” statements that the GOP nominee had made in past interviews.

“I have interviewed Donald Trump many times and been with him many times, and I have tapes,” Rivera said on special edition of Fox News’ “The Five” Sunday. “My brother and I have been starting to go through the tapes now and there are statements that, in the context of the current climate, would be embarrassing.”

Geraldo Rivera: I Have Tapes of ‘Embarrassing’ Statements From Trump by HAPPENiNG.Now ?.? on YouTube

The Fox News commentator isn’t the first to raise the possibility of the existence of more compromising recordings. A day after the Washington Post released the 2005 video, audio from a Howard Stern interview surfaced of the business mogul detailing Ivanka’s “voluptuous” curves, his sex life, and his lewd behavior during his ownership of the Miss Universe pageant.

Rivera’s remarks came before the second presidential debate at Washington University, in which Trump defended his crude comments as “lock room banter” and strongly dismissed accusations that he engaged in behavior that could be interpreted as sexual assault.

Since Friday, dozens of Republican House and Senate lawmakers--many whom are up for reelection in November--have condemned Trump’s remarks. GOP lawmakers participated in a conference call Monday morning, in which Paul Ryan said he would not campaign for or defend Trump and RNC members are holding a separate conference call late Monday afternoon.

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