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George Zimmerman trial: First week of testimony wraps up in case of Trayvon Martin killing

Sanford police officer Timothy Smith holds up the gun that was used to kill Trayvon Martin, while testifying on the 15th day of the George Zimmerman murder trial in Seminole circuit court June 28, 2013 in Sanford, Florida. Photo by Joe Burbank-Pool/Getty Images

(CBS/AP) SANFORD, Fla. - The trial of murder suspect George Zimmerman on Friday afternoon turned to Zimmerman's injuries, appearance and demeanor following the fatal altercation with Trayvon Martin as a neighbor, police officers, a first responder and a physician's assistant took the stand.

One neighbor testified that as he was on the phone with Zimmerman's wife after the struggle, the former neighborhood watch volunteer told him, "Just tell her I shot someone."

PICTURES: George Zimmerman on trial in death of Fla. teen

VIDEO: Zimmerman trial: Prosecutor opens with profanity

The witnesses were called during the trial's fifth day of testimony. Court recessed for the weekend shortly before 6 p.m.

Zimmerman, a former neighborhood watch volunteer, claims he shot unarmed teen Trayvon Martin in self-defense during the altercation last year in a Sanford, Fla. gated community. He is charged with second-degree murder.

Jonathan Manalo, Zimmerman's former neighbor, said Zimmerman seemed credible when he said immediately after the fight that he had shot Martin in self-defense. Manalo, whose wife had testified earlier in the week, was the first neighbor to step outside and see what happened with his flashlight after he heard a gunshot. He took cellphone photos of a bloodied Zimmerman and Martin's body, and those photos were shown to jurors on Friday. Manalo also described Martin's hands as being under his body.

Manalo said Zimmerman didn't appear shocked and acted calmly. After police officers arrived and handcuffed Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer asked Manalo to call his wife and tell her what happened.

Manalo started to tell Zimmerman's wife that her husband had been involved in a shooting and was being questioned by police when "he cut me off and said, `Just tell her I shot someone,"' Manalo said.

Under cross-examination, Manalo said when he asked Zimmerman what happened, the neighborhood watch volunteer told him, "This guy was beating me up, and I had to defend myself and I shot him."

"From what you could tell at that moment, that seemed completely true?" asked defense attorney Don West.

"Yes," Manalo said.

The first police officer and the first paramedic to respond to the shooting also testified Friday. Officer Tim Smith testified that when he saw Zimmerman after the shooting, the neighborhood watch volunteer's backside was covered in grass and wetter than his front side, bolstering defense attorneys' contention that Martin was on top of Zimmerman.

As he walked to the squad car after he had been handcuffed, Zimmerman told the officer that "he was yelling for help and nobody would come help him," Smith said.

"It was almost a defeated ... a confused look on his face," Smith said.

READ: Trayvon Martin Shooting: A timeline of events

Smith said Zimmerman described himself as "lightheaded" during the drive to Sanford Police Station but declined an offer to take him to a hospital.

Paramedic Stacy Livingston said Zimmerman had a swollen, bleeding nose and two cuts on the back of his head an inch long. When O'Mara asked if Zimmerman should have been concerned with his medical well-being because of his injuries, Livingston said, "Possibly."

When photos of Martin's body were shown on a courtroom projector during Livingston's testimony, Martin's mother, Sybrina Fulton, looked away and blinked back tears.

The last witness to take the stand before testimony wrapped up for the week was Lindzee Folgate, a physician's assistant who treated Zimmerman the day after the fatal struggle.

Folgate testified that Zimmerman had two lacerations on his head, two centimeters and 0.5 centimeters, neither of which needed stitches, the Orlando Sentinel reported.

Zimmerman's nose was "likely broken, it's hard to say definitively," Folgate said, reports the paper. On cross-examination, Folgate said Zimmerman's injuries could be consistent with having his head slammed into concrete, reports the paper, as Zimmerman claimed Martin did before the fatal gunshot.

Friday afternoon's proceedings followed key testimony Friday morning by neighbor John Good, who said he believed Trayvon Martin was the one on top of George Zimmerman just before he went inside to call 911 and heard the shot fired.

Court is set to resume Monday at 8:30 a.m.

Complete coverage of the George Zimmerman Trial -Trayvon Martin case on Crimesider

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