George Clooney arrested outside Sudanese embassy in Washington, DC
(CBS/AP) WASHINGTON - Actor George Clooney and his father were arrested today at the Sudanese Embassy in Washington.
Pictures: George Clooney arrested
According to the Washington Post, Clooney and several of his activist colleagues were taken away in handcuffs outside the Sudanese embassy on Massachusetts Avenue Friday morning after three verbal warnings.
The protesters accuse Sudan's president, Omar al-Bashir, of provoking a humanitarian crisis and blocking food and aid from entering the Nuba Mountains in the county's border region with South Sudan.
Clooney said Friday that he hopes to draw more attention to the issue and is impressed with President Barack Obama's personal engagement on it. The actor also said that if action is not taken in the next three to four months "we're going to have a real humanitarian disaster."
Clooney was joined by his father, Nick Clooney, and Democratic U.S. Rep. Jim Moran of Virginia, among others, as he walked to the protest site. The group held a sign that read: "Sudan: Stop Weapons of Mass Starvation."