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Fertile Women Fantasize About Macho Men, Smart Guys Not So Much

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Is your woman fantasizing about his macho chin? (istockphoto) istockphoto

(CBS) If you're dumb and have a great chin, there's good news. Women in their fertile phase are fantasizing about you as we speak.

You should call them, like right now.

On the other hand, if you're just about anything else, tough luck.

Those are the findings from a new study published in "Evolution and Human Behavior" that adds another caveman like note to the science of evolution and desire.

Scientists at the University of Mexico and University of Colorado, interviewed 66 heterosexual couples in which the women's ages ranged from 18 to 44. The couples were married from one month to 20 years.

Science has long theorized that when women enter their fertile phase they become increasingly attracted to men with "macho" or masculine features, in this case defined as "a relatively pronounced chin, strong jaw, narrow eyes and well-defined brow."

"Masculine facial features suggest that a man is of good genetic quality, because he had the resources during development not only to survive but also to expend energy on a macho visage. Rugged-looking jaws and eyebrows are signals of testosterone," according to the research press release.

This was the first study to test it out on real couples.

There was one surprising finding though.

The really smart scientists who conducted the study were puzzled as to why women weren't attracted to really smart scientists.

"That we didn't find any effect of men's intelligence on their partners' sexual interests across the cycle is important because some evidence suggests that intelligence associates with genetic quality," said Christine Garver-Apgar of the University of New Mexico.

And as for men who already have that caveman appeal, if you have a female partner, she's not any more attracted to you during her fertile phase. She might be thinking about someone else.

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