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FBI and DHS issue new alert after release of Senate Intelligence report

The FBI and Homeland Security Department issued a bulletin related to Tuesday's release of the Senate report outlining harsh interrogation techniques used by the CIA on terrorist suspects.

The bulletin cites no specific threats, but reminds law enforcement to remain vigilant to the underlying threat from terrorist organizations and lone-wolf type actors.

Inside the CIA torture report 09:10

In addition, the U.S. embassies in Afghanistan and Thailand are warning of the potential for anti-American protests and violence in the aftermath of the release of the Senate report. The embassies said the release of the report "could prompt anti-U.S. protests and violence against U.S. interests, including private U.S. citizens."

Afghanistan and Thailand were host to two of the secret facilities where prisoners were interrogated with methods the report calls torture.

The notices urged Americans to be alert to their surrounding and take appropriate safety precautions, including avoiding demonstrations or confrontational situations.

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