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Caught on camera: Spanish migrant hiding in car engine

Spanish officials released photos of a man so desperate to reach prosperity that he wedged himself behind a car engine in an attempt to sneak into the county. The man wasn't alone, either, as another photo shows another migrant practically sown into a car seat.

The photos come as Europe struggles to deal with a burgeoning migrant crisis. Millions of desperate migrants fleeing war, political upheaval and poverty in Africa and the Mideast have been flocking to Europe in recent months, causing officials across the continent to question their systems and values as they struggle to deal with it.

The asylum seekers photographed in unusual positions in Spain were reportedly found hiding in the car as it crossed from Morocco in the Spanish enclave of Ceuta, reports Britain's Telegraph newspaper. The men in the car, who were not identified, are from Guinea, and they are reported to be in ill health after attempting the crossing.

Doctors said they would have died had they stayed in their position much longer.

spain migrant
A migrant is seen hiding behind the back seat of a car in Spain. Spain's Guardia Civil handout
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