You may not find an online version of three-card monte, but scammers have transferred plenty of other illegal money-making endeavors from traditional venues into the digital world.
Known as e-scams or cyberscams, Internet variations of credit card fraud, identity theft, pyramid schemes and shady investment deals are just some of the many cons and swindles that are living fast and furious on the Web, in chat rooms and through e-mail spams.
PT Barnum said, "There's a sucker born every minute." That seems to hold true on a worldwide, high-paced digital network where fast talkers lure in thousands of people with promises of easy money, miracle cures for ailments, great vacation deals and a growing bevy of other extravagant claims.
Joining the traditional scams online are a collection of fly-by-night companies hawking cut-rate Internet access, as well as untraceable individuals selling nonexistent merchandise on Internet auctions.